Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

From site: "just want to tell you a bit more about my latest application, which results from the following problem: Everytime I created a map / geotags for a customer's website, I had problems with quick & easy geocoding his position - especially when he was living in the countryside. Google Maps often has no accrurate geocoding for street numbers in the countryside or sends you completely into the nirvana. offers:

* Geocoding of worldwide addresses
* Finetuning of the position using a drap & drop marker
* Geoposition as float number or in degrees
* Setting an inaccuracy (~1m, ~10m, ~100m, ...) for data protection reasons
* Automated creation of geo-metatags for websites and weblogs
* Automated creation of geotags for websites, weblogs and images
* Automated creation of KML files (Google Earth)
* iGoogle gadget for quick geocoding directly from your personal iGoogle landing page
* Slim design, quick loading process
* New: Enter a geocoded website's url and it's location will be displayed on the map :-D"

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