Genealogy Wise

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I get an error message when trying to sync the two trees. The message reads: "The last sync failed. An error occurred while "Analyzing changes from Family Tree Maker." You may want to restart FTM and try again later." Restarting FTM and/or shutting down computer don't solve the issue.

My only activity in FTM was to change the case of the surnames of cousins and ancestors by marriage (leaving only direct line in CAPS). I did the change both individually and by using the Find and Replace function when there were a number of surnames.

My Question: is there a way to determine where the error is? The syncing stops at the same spot every time.

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OK, I'm ready to scrap FTM 2014! I downloaded the patch into FTM2014.I started working on one of my FTM trees. I was revising my sources following the steps from Russ Worthington's blog. All was progressing well. Periodically I synced the FTM tree with AMT. At one point while working in the Media tab, the screen went blank and displayed a big red X. I found the link between FTM and AMT somehow had been broken. FTM successfully restored the link. I deleted four individuals. I continued to work on the sources. The red X appeared again in the Media tab. This time, however, there was no message indicating a broken link. I tried syncing and now get the "The last sync failed. An error occurred while "Analyzing changes from Family Tree Maker." again.

GRRRRR. Total frustration.



I would suggest that there is something wrong with that Media File. Unlink that Media file. Compact, Back Up and Resync your file.


ps - I may be slow in responding for the next couple of days, but I WILL get back to you. On my way to a Genealogy Conference.

All I was doing when the issue appeared was categorizing the census media so I don't know if I could identify which one caused the problem.

Also I brought up another tree and the ONLY thing I did was to delete one individual (one with no relationship). I now have the sync issue with that tree. I wonder if deleting individuals is causing the problem.


PS Enjoy the conference. I've only been to one but really found it beneficial.


Categorizing Media, Deleting Individuals should NOT do anything to the Sync Feature.

Do you compact your file? Does FTM crash? How much free disk space is on your computer?


Yes, I compact my file. No, FTM doesn't crash. Yes, I have lots of free disk space.

I agree that deleting or categorizing media shouldn't affect the sync but in the case of the second tree, that was the only thing I did. I tend to compact the file before closing out a tree but I believe I compacted prior to the deletion .


I compact BEFORE I sync all of the time.

I am going to suggest that you go to the Online Help Center, enter sync into the search box and read the first article.

I think you have done everything that is there, then use the Feedback Link and give them some details of what you are doing and what you are seeing. Then ask if they want your sync error file and ask them for instructions.


You've taught me well. After my last problem on Thursday, I sent Online Help Center print screens, a detailed description of what I had been doing and a SyncError Report. Since I heard back from them for the first sync problem, I used the same incident # as reference. I haven't had a response yet.


Thought you'd like to know. Ancestry support can't figure out the problem. They're sending everything I've sent to their developers.


Very interesting.


What is the FTM2014 File Name?

What is the linked AMT Tree Name?


FTM2014 = Burgan/Hicks Family Tree 13 Oct 2013

AMT = Burgan/Hicks Family Tree Oct 2013


Don't know why the reply isn't where it belongs.

Rename your File and Tree Name to get rid of the "/"


As you've had before, reply not after your message.

Renamed file and rebooted computer. No change. Still won't sync.



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