Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I am a dedicated Legacy user and after extensive use, this is my first problem. I have been maintaining two trees, one on my computer and one on, both quite large. I recently downloaded the ancestry tree and am attempting to merge it with my computer-based file. however, the merge is causing me a gross amount of unnecessary tedious work because it does not recognize duplicates even when the spelling is identical, the parents are identical, and the spouse is identical. In 99% of the cases, the only difference is the user ID; and that is totally unimportant (to me). I have looked and looked and cannot find a place to turn off that comparison. I did find one, but it is already unchecked.
Any recommendations?

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Gloria, have you tried posting this in the Legacy group here? The link is

Also, I'd recommend contacting Legacy support. They would be quite helpful - might even spur Geoff to do a special article about large merges like this. I've tried to do the same thing and just gave up -- it was far too tedious.
Julie Anne Wallace,
Thank you for your help. I will go to the Legacy board, and also,
again, thank you.



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