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Looking for information on Istvan (Steve) Stucz who was born in Turterebes Hungary in 1892 and emigrated to northern NY in 1907.

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For what its worth - My grandmother was Magdolna Stucz, born in Turterebes  June 1, 1896. She had a sister Hermina, born Feb 21, 1892. Their father was Mihaly Stucz born 1876 in Turterebes. He was married to Gertrude Hausmann, also born in Turterebes. Somewhere along the way the following Stucz were added to my genealogy software with no relationships, I beleive they are all  siblings, but I have no other information on them at this point.

Rose Stucz

Margaret Stucz

Mary Stucz

Julia Stucz

Stephen Stucz

My researched tree is the Molnar family. Magdolna Stucz married Janos Molnar in 1914 in  upstate NY (Massena) shortly after she emigrated here from Turterebes.

 After I've done some research, I see you're already in my family tree, Jerry. My info ends at Olga Stucz, though. Sorry I didn't have more information for you, most of my info is on the Francia/Molnar/Bauer lineage.


Jack, did you get my response? I am not familiar with this site and may not have uploaded properly.
Jerry ONeill

I'm afraid not Jerry. I have nothing in my inbox, and no messages from you in my regular email. Don't feel bad though, I'm new here as well. Judging from the size of this website, it will take some time to learn my way around.

Hi Jack, I am assuming your grandmother was a cousin of Stephen Stucz. The Stucz family you listed, Rose,Mary and Julia are daughters of Stephen Stucz. Olga, a daughter not listed, is my mother-in law. She remembers going to Hermina's funeral. She thinks you may be Mike Molnars son. She remembers a Molnar family in Norwood, NY.
Olga's father-in law, Michael Francia (Mihaly Franczia) was born in Turterebes in 1881. He married Mary Molnar in1907. Are you in the same family?
My family tree "The Barney O'Neill Family tree" is public on

Hermina Stucz  and her sister Magdolna both married Molnars. My grandmother (Magdolna Stucz) married Janos Molnar, their son John J Molnar,  was my father. Janos Molnar and Magdolna settled in Norfolk, New York. Many descendants still reside in Norfolk, the area had a pretty large Hungarian population.

Hermina married George Frederick Molnar Aug 22, 1911. The only relation of George Fredrick  to me is through Hermina and Magdolna Stucz.  So far, I have no record of relation  between my ancestors and the Molnars that Hermina married into. If there is one, it would be nice to know. I'm 80-90% sure there is a relation, since they both originated in Turterebes. I have more information on those Molnars than my own ancestors,  who only go back as far as my great grandfather.

Michael Francia (Mari's husband) I have listed as "Miska" Francia, not as Mihaly, b. Sept 24, 1879 in Turterebes. d.June 14, 1962 in Massena. The marriage date to Mari (Mary) is listed as June 10, 1907 in Turterebes. She  and Miska are buried in Massena NY at Calvary Cemetary .

 Magdolna and Hermina's father was Mihaly Stucz, and their mother was Gertrude Hausman.  Mihaly was born in 1876 in Turterebes, I have no dates for Gertrude, but she was also born there.  I would agree that there's a good chance of Hermina and Magdolna being cousins to Istvan (Stephen) Stucz.  I'm going to visit the Norfolk/Norwood area in a month or two, I'll see if I can get any further information.

My grandparents were Gabri Mihaly and Bauer Julianna - both originally of Turterebes who settled in Massena.  Although the Molnar and Stucz families are not directly in my blood lineage (according to what I have uncovered to date) they married into my family so I have information about them.
At the moment, my ability to access my research is limited to Family Tree Maker printouts from several years back, as well as documents I have gathered along the way.  The computer is non-functional and I haven't replaced it so I can't easily pull up my electronic family tree.  The good news is it appears that I have enough printed material to shed some light on the matter. 
Jerry - you are in my family tree if you married Marlene Francia. Marlene is related to me via the Bauer line. 
Jack - you aren't in my personal printouts but I'm certain at least your ancestors, if not you personally, are in the software entries. 
I have an old printout from 1996 that was given to me by John Molnar of Williamstown, NY.  With so many 'Johns' in the family I can't say which branch he belongs to. Is this a relative of yours Jack? 
I wish I had taken better notes in those early days but I believe I met him at a Family History Center when I lived in Philadelphia, NY. We struck up conversation and then realized our families were from the same village in Hungary. Small world!!!
Now to the printout - which I will be happy to scan or make hard copies to send to you both, if you don't already have it.  The descendant tree begins with Molnar Michael and wife Catharina (both born approximately in 1768). This appears to connect to you both.  I find on page 3, the marriage of Janos to Magdolna.  Then on page 7, I find the marriage of George Frederick to Hermina. 
Janos is the son of Andras & Almasi Ilona.  Andras is the son of Janos & Gebel Maria.  Janos is the son of Josephus & unknown. Josephus is the son of Josephus & Nagy Rosalia. Josephus is the son of Michael & Catharina.  
George Frederick is the son of Istvan & Bauer Maria (sister of my great grandfather). Istvan is the son of Josephus & unknown. Etc as outlined above.  Therefore, if I have followed this correctly, George and Janos' father are first cousins.  
I also find Olga Stucz - Jerry's mother in law, marrying John Francia, on page 7, along with you - Jerry - and your children.  I am curious ... The Istvan Stucz you inquire about ... Is this Olga's father? 
Are either of you in touch with Dawna Molnar Clark or Connie Molnar Sterner?  They both have information on the Molnar and Stucz families.  I can put you in touch with them if you haven't discussed the genealogy with them yet. 
So, our connections are as follows.... The brother of my grandfather - Mihaly (Gyorgy) married Molnar Therese.  The daughter of Mihaly's sister, Maria, married George Molnar (father of Dawna Molnar Clark.) Lastly, Bauer Maria, sister to my grandfather Mihaly, married Molnar Istvan. It is this last relationship that directly connects me to both of your families.   
In 2005,  a group of us (including Dawna and Connie) paid an American researcher who was/is living in Budapest, to look for records in the National Archives in Satu Mare (Szatmar-Nemeti). Therefore, I have copies of vital records of specific Molnar and Stucz family members. Plus, there may be other individuals of interest within these pages. 
I will go through them later in the day and post my findings here.  You are welcome to copies of any documents related to your family members. 
The researcher was split in many directions with all the various surnames we gave her, therefore her work was not as comprehensive as if she had been assigned only one or two family lines.  The plans are not final, but I may be headed there in July. My intention is to spend at least a day in the Archives to conduct my own research. I'm very excited to have that opportunity. 
I will write more later. If you'd like to exchange information via email or phone, I'd be happy to do that as well. 
~ Julie 

Hi Jerry and Julie,

The John Molnar of Williamstown you mention was my father. My real name is John Molnar III, but everyone calls me Jack.  He recently passed away. He and I had been researching the Molnar family for many years now. In his last couple years, he began having a hard time understanding the software and computer, so he managed to delete a few relations. I had backups from years prior which I used last night to restore those lines.  The printout you mention from my father was probably printed by me, I had made quite a few for him to give out to people.

He did get some information from Dawna regarding her  part of the family, however I'm sure a lot of her family is now missing (recently born descendants).

Regarding Hermina and Magdolna - their husbands  Geroge Frederick Molnar and Janos Molnar, were 2nd cousins once removed - a part of the tree my father accidentally deleted.

I also have more information on Istvan (aka:Steven) Stucz. I found his obituary in an archive of the Massena Observer last night. He was born in Turterebes on 12-26-1892 and died April 28, 1970 in Malone. The obit states the following as surviving relatives: 4 daughters, Mrs Michael (Mary Stucz) Sabo of Moria, Mrs John (Olga Stucz) Francia of Syracuse, Mrs William (Julia Stucz) White of Winthrop Rd, Mrs Joseph (Rose Stucz) Toth of Massena. Also a sister, Regina Francisca of Massena, and two bothers, Andrew Stucz of Delhi, Ont, and George Stucz of Elyria Ohio, 20 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. It states he was pre-deceased by a daughter,  Mrs. William (Margaret Stucz) Hucszel, a year prior. It states Steven's wife was Margaret Bregg, also born in Turterebes. They were married  8-4-1912 in Watertown. She passed away on 1-20-1964. Interesting since my Aunt married into the Bregg family. Her father in law, Joseph Bregg, was from Turterebes as well.

If either of you would like a copy, I saved the pdf file and can email it to you if you'd like. It originally appeared in the Massena Observer on April 30, 1970.


We have just started in on the Genealogy of our family and fit in here. Regina Stucz was my grandmother and was married to Andrew Francia also from Turtedebes. They lived in Massena as well, my grandfather died in 1949 and my grandmother in 1980.  Their children were George (Duke), Andrew, Micheal, Steve, Elizabeth and My mother Mary. She was married to be Peter Ruzella, Later changed to Rusello and they lived in Massena as well. I can remeber going to Delhi as a child to the tobacco farm there. I am not sure about the others but I know my "aunt" (as we always called her) Rose Toth is still in Massena and very sharp witted.  We saw here at my mother's funeral.  I know we are related to the Molnars adn many other Hungarians in the Massena area.  My wife is working on the family stuff on Ancestry.

Hi Andrew,

Sorry for not replying the last couple weeks, been pretty busy with other matters lately.

Thanks for the input. Jerry is the one working on the Francia's, so he may want to contact you. I've added the information you provided to my my tree as well. Let me know if you want a copy of the gedcom (send me a msg here or you can send to jmolnar228 AT I'm more than willing to share what I have with others in the extended family.

Thanks Jack that would be great.  I believe we have found some more information and have seen Several Naturalization forms at the County Clerk in Canton.  We spoke with Rose (Stucz) Toth last week and she does know quite a bit.

Hi Julie and Jack, Thanks for all the information. Julie, Olga's father- in law is Istvan Stucz. She grew up in Norfolk and Massena NY and now lives in Georgia. She is 87 with a sharp mind and good memory. I know she would like to tallk to you about family connections. Her phone number
is 770-787-5242 if either of you are so inclined. She does not use a computer. If you have any
printed records, I would love to have a copy. My email is, my telephone
is 315-243-7361, my address is Jerry O'Neill, 5896 Maxson Rd, Homer NY, 13077
Hi Jerry,

I'll send a printout of what Julie has. I'll also printout your wife's specific tree, and the obituary for Steven. The last descendants I have listed in that line are Mosher and Morris, but you probably have other descendants since we had gotten the information from Dawna (I believe). If you'd like, I can also send a gedcom file (you'll need software that can read/use it) and the pdf of the obituary to you in email as well. Just let me know here and I'll get on it for you.



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