Genealogy Wise

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Start by telling us about yourself, your family history, your genealogy interests, and the current focus of your genealogy research.

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Hi All! I’m a newbie. Have been researching my ancestry for about four years. At the moments researching my matrilineal haplogroup A2 any info would be appreciated. Thank you


I live in Pennsylvania, but I am from New Jersey originally. I had taken one course from National Institute for Genealogical Studies about 20 years ago. I now have the time to come back and I am taking the American and DNA program in order to get my certificate in genealogy.

I have been working on my family genealogy for about 34 years after the passing of my paternal grandfather. I love the detective work that goes into finding ones ancestor. I find it very rewarding.

I belong to the Daughters of the American Revolution, Colonial Dames, and the United States Daughters of the War of 1812.


My name is Barton. I live in Ottawa, Ontario Canada. I grew up in Canada until my mid-teens and then lived in the US for about 40 years before returning to Canada 4 years ago.  I'm in the NIGS Canadian Research 3 year program. I have about 20 courses done and am ploughing through. I plan on being a genealogist as a "side hustle" and have begun doing simple work for others in this realm.

I've done about 20 years of work on my Family Tree.  I've done research primarily in Canadian Records and some in Norther Ireland too (Ireland before the split mostly.)

Very happy to be here and to be a part.

My son-in-law is from the Trudeau line, Do you have much info on the Trudeau line ? 


Hi Belinda, I've never researched that line.

OK, thanks !

I'm new in the biz. I'm widespread in my research. Part of my own genetics is a mystery through adoption, though that's not the reason I studied, as I just focus on who I'm actively connected with. I did get sucked into genealogy because I like what goes into the history and the job and the research. Currently I am most uniquely useful for translations, but I am in school (at genealogical studies) for more research topics.

Welcome Mason! What courses are you taking at The Institute? Being able to offer translations is always useful! Check out the groups and see if any are of interest. :)

I'm in my second round of classes, and am currently in Scandinavian Ancestors and Canadian Census Records. Best to make sure to take classes on the stuff I profess to know sooner rather than later.

Hello from Denmark!

For my personal research, I am interested in connecting with others with the surname Kottal. I have some connections in the US, Germany, and Austria, but I would like more. My family is the only family by that name in Denmark. My great-grandfather Maximilian Kottal came here in 1900 from Czechia. I am currently learning Czech, so I can eventually write some Czech blog posts for cousin bait.

I am a professional genealogist, so I have the best job in the world. My area of expertise is Denmark. I have many non-Danish clients, who are seeking more knowledge about their Danish roots. In May 2022, I received the credential Certified Genealogist® I had worked toward that goal for years, so it was a dream come true. I was relieved that I accomplished it at my first try, because I felt really uncertain about the requirements.

On Genealogy Wise, I plan on adding some blog posts about methodology and Denmark genealogy. I will also add free events hosted by me via my business Lene Kottal Professional Genealogy. Right now I have a sweepstakes for a 10-hour-research project involving Danish records. If that is of interest to you, you can find the details via my page here at Genealogy Wise or by following this link: Please beware that this contest is only open to people who do not reside in Denmark. If you reside in Denmark, you can participate in my other contest via this link (in Danish):

I look forward to being a part of this community!

Hi everyone,

I am Carol Walsh and have been conducting genealogical research for a couple of decades now.  I am a recent graduate from the National Institute for Genealogical Research with a focus on Canadian records.  I have recently set up a website and have begun writing some blogs. 

I would be interested in your feedback on a recent post I wrote:  5 Fun and Creative Genealogy Activities for Kids.

Hi Carol and congratulations on finishing!  What certificate did you complete?  I see you focused on Canadian records, but what other areas of interest do you have?  I am almost at the finish line as well and I know its not an easy feat by any means.

Read your blog.  Excellent start.  Font is easy to read and layout is clean.  Really love the family crest idea.  I have been thinking about how to engage my grand children and I think that one is very creative.

What application did you use for your blog?  I am just starting mine and I like the look and feel of yours better.

If you need anything on your journey certainly reach out.  My main focus ia Canadian records but I am researching Irish, English and Scottish ancestors.  All the best.



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