Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Feedback appreciated

I've been playing with a family tree viz that can view sample trees or
GEDCOM files from Ancestry,etc.

The (beta) web-based family tree visualization tool is located at

* You can view sample trees or load your own GEDCOM file

* see pedigree collapse

* you can view ancestor or descendant trees, and change "root" person
to anyone in the tree for either type of tree

* you can pan and zoom in the tree - drag for pan, mousewheel for zoom
(works best on desktop)

* you can see how any two people in a descendant tree are related
(e.g., '2nd cousin thrice removed", "4th great granduncle" )

* you can show a popup table that lets you search/sort/navigate the
tree or current gedcom file - short video linked to the the time in
the video where the feature is used:

* you can "collapse" a specific path in the full tree (ancestor or
descendant tree) to a straight path showing all the people in the path
- link to point in video where feature is used:

* timeline on right shows family and historical events on mouse over as you move through time

* You can host it on your own site so that it shows your custom tree by default (no database required, just plop down some static files) - contact me if you want to try this

Some notes on how to see the descendants, or how two people are
related, is here:


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