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I am looking for more information about my ancestor's parents and was wondering if anyone had clues to help me out about George Logan Douglas born October 5, 1801 in South Carolina and died March 12, 1855 in Sumpter County, GA whose wife was Mary Caroline Jordan born Oct. 24, 1817 in VA and died 1876 Americus, Sumpter County, GA. I believe his father was Capt. Joseph Douglas born April 4, 1773 Salisburg, Mecklinburg County, NC and died June 16, 1845 Sumpter County, GA who was married to Hanna McLeary. If anyone who has any clues could help me, I would appreciate it.

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I am pretty confident now that Capt. Joesph Douglass is my ancestor. We have his birth date as 1773 and he died in 1845. My ancestor George Logan Douglas was born 1801 in North Carolina according to his tax documents and he died 12 March, 1855 in Sumter Co., GA Since Joesph Douglass was born in Salisbury, Mecklenburg County, NC. We think there is a match. My cousin, Pam, who is a very good facts checker found a Family Tree DNA Douglas DNA study (R-M512) which matches Joesph Douglass. I am not sure if their tree includes more recent descendants to compare, or if it is confidential information, but I will be checking on that next. They also had a Robert McCleary General as the father of Joe's wife listed in their tree, so I will be checking on that too...does his name ring any bells? I am guessing he was a part of the Am. Revol. based on his age, I might be wrong on that though. Thank you, I will keep digging. These bits of information are things I had not yet found, and I do try to pass these on to my Douglas cousins.

The General had a daughter, Hanna, but she married John Baird.  They had 10 children.  See: 

  Captain Joseph Douglass who participated in the war of 1812-1814. He was in the 7th company, detached from the First Mecklenburg Regiment. I believe is the parent of George Logan Douglas. It is hard to tell for sure, because the Census from this time period only list the number of children he has, not the specific names.

1.  Marriage: 27 Jul 1858 Gillespie, Joseph R. to Douglass, Miss Kate E.,Near Davidson College, daughter. of Joseph B. Douglass. Married by Rev. E. D. Jenkins 3 Aug 1858  Is there any connection? This marriage would be after his death (1845). 2.  Marriage: Douglass, Joseph B. of Mecklenburg County and Mary H. Walkup, daughter of Robert Walkup on July 23, 1846 in Union County by Rev. William P. Harris. July 31, 1846.Is there any connection? (Same problem, he was already dead.)

I am struggling to learn more about who he was, if he was a captain in the War of 1812, you would think there would be more information about him besides his name on a roster of soldiers wouldn't you? I'll try something else. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

I did try adding the name of Andrew McCleary to my tree for Hanna, I see a spelling difference, which might not be significant (because there were a lot of errors when recording names back then), but I got no hints on him either.

Re the marriages - I was wondering if they were descendants, not 'your' Joseph. I realise they are a later generation.

Oops, I believe I have found out that the Capt. Joseph is not my ancestor, there was another Joseph Douglass in the area which is mine according to the will he left mentioning my George Logan Douglas, so I am kind of back to square one with what more I can find out about this Joseph Douglass (and his wife). Thank you, I am still going to keep searching.

As long as it is two steps forward and one back, and not one forward and two back...

Well, it also shows me that we are getting closer to the truth and not following a false lead.

We have since found out that George Logan Douglas' father was Joseph Douglas born 1768 in Mecklenburg, NC and died 1743 in Sumter Co, GA.   He was not a Captain.   

The autobiography of his grandson General Wilburn Hill King states that Joseph Douglas' wife's surname was McLeary and that the Douglas were Scots and the McLeary were Irish.  Joseph's daughter Mary (mother of Wilburn) was born in the area of Edgefield, SC and then around 1822 the entire family moved to Culloden, Monroe Co, GA and later to Sumter Co, GA on farms in the area of the Muckaloche and Muckalee creeks.

We are still looking for the parents of Joseph Douglas and his wife.

Thank you for keeping us up to date!



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