Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I just joined the site about 9 days ago.  I have been sitting quietly in the chatroom for the past 4-5 nites.  I have yet to actually see anything concerning genealogy being discussed in there!  So far, I have read about someone having hundreds of computer viruses, organ transplants, sewing projects, everything under the sun EXCEPT genealogy.


If this is the way this chat is run, I think I'll keep looking for a chat that really DOES talk genealogy.

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I would just like to say this in reply: the scheduled chats are just that! They are certain topics presented on a schedule, you may come if you choose or you may choose not to. But the chatroom is open 24/7 for anyone who pops in to do research, ask for help, or offer help.
Perhaps you are basing your expectations on previous experiences or what you think should be going on? Nobody has to come to paranormal chats, All chat rooms are not exactly the same, I fear the internet would be a very boring place if they were. They all operate differently but I think the hosts here do a great job of presenting chat topics, just choose the ones you feel would benefit you and then go listen. Come into the chat room and participate. If it appears to us that no-one else is in the chat room and we ourselves have nothing we want to work on at that time, we do just socialize, there's nothing wrong with that. We don't have scheduled chat topics 24 hours a day...We each come in to chat as we are able, sometimes we brainstorm, sometimes we attack brick walls and sometimes we just try to find a bit more info on an ancestor or two that someone is having no luck with.
Maybe you all just need to come in and chat with us instead of hanging back and observing us and passing judgement when you obviously have not been in here offering to help others or asking for help yourself, or even just to say hi and meet us all. We would have liked to have met you, given the opportunity..... Also, can I just say that GenealogyWise is alot more than just the chatroom itself, there are groups, boards, whatever also available.

After seeing you were in PA which is where a line that I am extensively researching originates, I began browsing your posts and saw this comment regarding the paranormal and how you believe that it "isn't genealogy...mysticism, but it's not genealogy!" and felt I should toss in my two cents.  I've been doing legal research for thirty years, have an extensive college education, and have also formally studied the paranormal at The Learning Light Institute in Anaheim, CA.  In past months, I combined academic and professional knowledge and experience and knowledge acquired over fourteen years of study in new age/paranormal subjects (particularly dowsing and divination when it comes to my genealogical research).  I have located the two graves of a 4xggrandfather and grandmother that were to now unknown, acquired dates of birth, death, relationships, and other information that was subsequently confirmed. Before you discount it as a tool, learn about it.

I realize this is beating a dead horse, to quote someone else but your statement that "actual, solid research" precludes any application of the paranormal is wrong.  I am a researcher by profession (thirty years in the legal field researching, documenting, and analyzing documents in probate, real estate, etc.) and an academic with an extensive education.  My research techniques are impeccable, meticulous, and hands-on, in other words, everything is documented, cited academically, and analyzed in a socioeconomic and historical context with the ultimate goal of publication. On the other hand, as a student of various esoteric subjects including past lives, divination, psychometry, and mediumship, I have learned to use these tools in my work with successful results. When the information is not forthcoming in a conventional means, thinking outside the box, working from having the data in-hand to documentation is a solution.  Don't limit yourself with ignorance of different techniques.  Study them, apply them, see if they work for you.  This is not a "side hobby," but a research skill. 

I visited the chat room for the first time this week. At first, I just watched as people caught up with friends, and I did see mainly social interaction. Then, I introduced myself as a "first-timer" and several people immediately responded with gen. questions about who/where I was searching and with offers of help. I was amazed that within the next half hour, two different people left the room, did some quick searches, and came back with details about my family members. By the next day, one of them had "friended" me and had gathered additional research on my ancestors. I think the chat - as with other chat rooms I've visited - relies on everyone's participation. If you want to take the conversation to an area of your interests, jump in.
As a frequenter of the chat room here, I applaud its congenial atmosphere. Yes, there are numerous times when the intense focus is genealogy in all its aspects; there are other times when chatters simply "unwind" and share other topics in a friendly manner. As with any social setting, there are variations on themes and personalities. There are many instances where people ask for help and then depart if there is not an immediate response to their inquiry -- we are NOT a free "fast-food" dispenser. Understand that even with online resources, research takes time. We also have been visited by "professional genealogists" -- some are hawking their services for a fee (this is not allowed), some take the attitude of "I'm a professional, you are amateurs. I know everything; you don't know anything". This is, naturally, not appreciated by the general group of chatters.

The chat room here is a service provided by the website. It is a social gathering place; not for advertising. There are also -- among many of the chatters -- online friendships which develop and progress. If social discourse -- and the discussion of the many aspects of genealogy -- is not your cup of tea, then this chat room may not suit your requirements.
Uh... what??? Dunno what chat you've been looking but we chat genealogy ALOT. I help somebody everyday. Sometimes helping 2 or 3 people at the same time in their research.

Yes we occasionally talk other stuff but for the most part it's genealogy. Late at night the chat winds down a bit to different subjects yes. But Im in there everyday helping people or they help me.
There gen chats that are strictly on topic, and you are welcome to go to them. You can tell which ones they are because they're always empty, likely because they are BOOOORIING! We are happy here because we have friends who we can discuss genealogy and family history without their eyes glazing over. We can also talk about our pets, what's for dinner, how we are feeling, etc. because we are friends. If a friendly, family atmosphere bothers you, then by all means go elsewhere. There is a saying in used car dealers...Ther's an ass for every seat. The same goes for chatrooms, there a room for every...person. Find one that fits you and go there, but don't dissing the ones that don't fit your preconcieved ideas of what a chatroom should be.
Lea, you either came by at a time I was away from the computer or was involved in helping someone. I'm sorry to hear that the topic of the chat at the time you came by all last week wasn't to your liking. I for one got a rogue virus from a fake gedcom and it was the people in this room who saved my sanity. Organ transplants? I must have missed that one, unless you're talking about the Medical Genealogy Talk that was presented the other night. Sewing projects? Missed that, too. But I'm sure many of our ancestors sewed and it's a dying art, so that anyone is sewing is something to be celebrated. No genealogy? If you don't introduce yourself to us and tell us who you are and what you're working on, we're not very good at mind reading. I'll speak for myself. There are some here who are into paranormal genealogy. Maybe you got past their radar, too. Next time you come by, say "hello" and introduce yourself. You should make a point of saying "hi" to Caren. She's one of the hardest working researchers I've ever met. And, if you're lucky, you'll find that you've not only found generations of new ancestors, you'll find you're related to her and some of the other chatters as well. Or one of the other regulars may help you with something. This is a 24/7 chat, but I take time out to sleep at night. I've also been known to go out to cemeteries and local libraries doing research for some of the chatters here. Yes, I'm an amateur. There are times I get sick and tired of researching on my own family. It's at these times that I help other people. And then I get sick and tired of working on their family trees. And then there times that we talk about other things in my life or nothing at all, or just joke around and make each other laugh. I enjoy being with my virtual family, all of whom are as passionate about genealogy research as I am.
Lea, I actually found four - count them - four - individuals on this chat forum who are real live honest-to-goodness cousins I discovered this through discussing my ancestors, as we are in a genealgoy chat room. In addition to having found 4 cousins, I found 1 cousin who lives in the same city as me, and is now a friend, and 3 other cousins who are now friends.

Yes we do discuss the topics you mentioned, but almost every day there is a Chat Scheduled to discuss precise and deliberate topics to aid in your research. Do we always talk genealogy -- some days yes, some days no. As with any community, we discuss a variety of topics germaine to the day.

I'm with Rosie -- don't lurk, speak up, you'd be surprised how informed, and willing to share, the people in this chat room are -- open door, step in and say Hi Im researching X-Y-Z families, anyone doing the same? We look forward to hearing from you!
I am also looking for Rachel Lee, she was my GG grandmothers mother- who was Edith Cowden. I am trying to see if there is a relation to Robert E Lee.. sorry I am off topic here, but I am fairly desperate, as This is a project for my child who needs to find a famous person in his history, for school and we are coming up flat.. having a hard time finding anything about Rachel Lee before the marriage to John W York
Hi Catina,

You've come to the right place. From the timing of your post, it appears that you are in an earlier time zone than where I am on the West Coast. There is an early morning group, but people don't start showing up in the chat room until later in the morning. Why don't you come by later in the day, too. Especially during the week, there are a number of people who have access to paid programs who are more than happy to help you out. In the meantime, try looking at rootsweb to see if you can find something. It's not very reliable, but it may help you get started and you can go on from there. You can also try a search in Google Books. Come by the chat. Someone will more than likely have some great suggestions for you.

Just wondering how old your son is. They start young ones doing family trees in the second grade now. This is a great way to get young kids interested in history. If you don't find the answer by the time the assignment is due, don't give up looking. We'll all try to find Rachel Lee for you.
Have you been able to find anything else out about Rachel LEE? Who was Rachel's daughter which led to you, as my line comes down through her daughter Martha, to John WOODS, to Ruben ROGERS, thru their daughter Fanny Luella ROGERS to William Booker BAILEY, to their daughter Rena Luella BAILEY NAVARRETTE. I can not find anything on Rachel beyond her marriage to John YORK in 1805 Rutherford, County, NC. Be interested to see if you can find anything, as none of us cousins seem to get to Rachel to any LEE's back before 1805! Seems she sprung full-grown to marry him in 1805...not possible, I know...but still..thanks for your help!



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